Completion of MgB2 Superconducting Wire Production for HL-LHC Superconducting Link Project

Completion of MgB2 Superconducting Wire Production for HL-LHC Superconducting Link Project


Participants at the event next to the D2 HL-LHC magnet. From left to right: Miguel Jimenez (CERN), Oliver Brüning (CERN), Amalia Ballarino (CERN), Mike Lamont (CERN), Roberto Marabotto (ASG), Marco Nassi (ASG), Davide Malacalza (ASG) and Antonio Pellecchia (ASG). (Image: ASG)


On the 12th of October 2023 ASG and CERN celebrated at ASG Superconductors, in Genova – Italy, the completion of the production of the 1450 km of MgB2 round wire specifically developed for the HL-LHC Superconducting Link project.

The event marked the successful completion of a story of superconducting innovation that started with R&D on a novel, round and robust, higher temperature superconducting wire, targeted for transferring high current at temperatures of above 25 K, and ended up in a large industrial production. The wire, which has finally been produced in unit lengths exceeding 3.5 km – a unique result for a high temperature superconductor ! - is a key component of the Superconducting Link for HL-LHC.

The effort put during the R&D phase in enhancing mechanical properties of the wire after reaction enabled implementation of the complex cabling for the Superconducting Link: eight high current MgB2 transmission lines, operated in a forced flow of helium gas, will feed the HL-LHC superconducting magnets. An example of a virtuous collaboration between CERN and industry, which brought to the successful development and industrialization of the first ex-situ MgB2 superconducting wire produced in large scale and used in a high current (about 120 kA) power transmission project. The availability of the wire and associated cables opens now the way to other applications. This includes power transmission in different domains and energy efficient magnets. 

By Amalia Ballarino, WP6A Leader

MgB2 superconducting cable for transmission and distribution of electrical power (Video: ASG Superconductors)
MgB2 superconducting cable for transmission and distribution of electrical power (Video: ASG Superconductors)

Related video: link.

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