What links the High Luminosity LHC project, and in particular WP6B, to the cutting-edge progress in Metrology research?
A new quantum standard for AC voltage measurements was announced last week. This standard, which is part of the EMPIR project, allows SI traceability to AC voltage measurements for the first time.
Already available at the German national institute of metrology (PTB - Braunschweig), the new standard is planned to be used with other equipment, in a collaboration work between PTB and CERN's SY-EPC-HPM section, to help characterize its HPM7177 digitizer.
This Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), designed at SY-EPC-HPM, within WP6B.5.2 R&D activities, will measure the current in the new magnets to be installed as part of the High Luminosity LHC project.
Accelerating News article: link.
Know more about the new quantum standard: link.