RI Research Instruments, the German company in charge of the fabrication of DQW crab cavities for HL-LHC project, visited CERN on 2 February. The aim of the visit was to profit from the knowledge gained at CERN during the fabrication of prototype cavities.
Numerous fruitful discussions took place with experts in MME Main Workshop related to shaping, machining, welding and metrology of this challenging piece of equipment. In addition, discussions related to the BCP (Buffer Chemical Polishing) have been held with the TE-VSC Group, which is responsible for this installation.
Finally, RI has been able to witness the crucial steps of crab cavity finalization, namely the bead pull measurements on a DQW crab cavity and the RF trim tuning activities on a RFD crab cavity.
By N. Valverde, WP4.