Marco Morrone wins student prize
Marco Morrone wins student prize for his poster "Mechanical Design of the HL-LHC beam screens" that was presented during ICHEP16 in Chicago.
New niobium-tin cables for HL-LHC
The production of the new niobium-tin cables for the high-performance superconducting magnets of the HL-LHC is now in full swing at CERN, CERN Bulletin.
First test of the HL LHC separation dipole short model in KEK
First test of the HL LHC separation dipole short model in KEK, Accelerating News.
Successful tests of crab cavities for HL-LHC
Successful tests of crab cavities for HL-LHC, Accelerating News.
Formal approval of the High Luminosity LHC project, HL-LHC
A Word from the Director-General, CERN Bulletin
Issue 16 Accelerating News
Issue 16 of Accelerating News is out featuring the latest on the 11T and LASA-INFN corrector magnets