Workshop on the physics of HL-LHC, and perspectives at HE-LHC
This is the kickoff event (30st October to 1st November 2017, Main Auditorium) for a series of meetings, running throughout 2018, with plenary events and intermediate periods of working group activities.
Successful tests of canted correctors for HL-LHC
In addition to the dipole and quadrupole magnets that guide and focus the charged particles, corrector magnets are used to cure imperfections in the magnets and compensate for alignment errors, Accelerating
New life for an old technology: canted cosine theta magnets
In the HL-LHC, two 2-metre-long canted cosine theta magnets will be positioned near the insertion region of the ATLAS and CMS experiments and will be used as corrector magnets, CERN Bul
Crab cavities get into their shells
The assembly of the new superconducting crab cavities, the testing of which is planned to take place at the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) in 2018, is progressing with a steady pace and on schedule, CERN
Superconductors boost acceleration
The new superconducting crab cavities being assembled at CERN, CERN Updates.
7th HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting, CIEMAT, Madrid, 13-16 November 2017
The HL-LHC project is progressing in the construction phase. The hardware models as well as the prototypes of equipment in their final configuration are under construction or under test. In 2017, we achieved a number of key milestones. T
HL-LHC short-model magnets tests are going full speed ahead
A short magnet model for the High-Luminosity LHC project was tested in the newly-commissioned vertical test station in hall SM18, CERN Bulletin.
QUACO enters into Phase 2
This phase is the engineering phase with the first mock-ups and with the complete technical solutions, Accelerating News.
Third HiLumi Industry Day in the UK
The third edition of the HiLumi Industry Day took place in Warrington, UK (close to Daresbury Laboratory) in May 2017, Accelerating News.
The crown jewel of the HL-LHC magnets
The new quadrupole magnets are being developed in the framework of a collaboration between CERN and the LHC-AUP (LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project) consortium, which involves three US laboratories. CERN Bull